All those ex-Mariner starters!

Lookit ‘em all!

Well hey now, how about a little positivity after the downer of that last post.

Yesterday morning, projected the starting lineups – without pitchers – for every single major league team. That’s thirty lineups. And let’s just say there’s a ton of ex-Mariners out there who are judged to be good enough to start for one of the 29 major league teams that aren’t Your Seattle Mariners. Fifteen position players, to be exact. Let’s say that again.

Fifteen ex-Mariners, not including pitchers, fifteen ex-Mariners will be on starting rosters for other teams come April this year.

Yeah, hard for us to look at too. But it’s all good! Read on!

Continue reading “All those ex-Mariner starters!”

Who will be 2018 Ex-Mariner of the Year?

The petunia withereth, the Mariners choketh. And it’s only the bottom of the 5th®

Take heart, Mariner fans!

The excitement of the 2018 season is just getting started. Now that the Mariners are officially, gracefully, thankfully, mercifully, and without fanfare, eliminated from the postseason, who will be named Playin’ In The Dirt’s 2018 Ex-Mariner of the Year? Continue reading “Who will be 2018 Ex-Mariner of the Year?”